Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a day

Well, we had nice plans today to get some work done around the house but that went out the door when I had to spend 2 hours in the Labor and Delivery triage. I had some pink and brown spotting this morning when I went to the bathroom and so I called the on-call nurse and she told me to go in. I figured it was nothing, but thought it would be good to get checked anyway. So they hooked me up to the heartbeat and contraction monitor. Luckily, I nothing showed up that looked like contraction activity and the nurse checked my cervix and she said it was closed. So all good signs, not sure what the spotting was from, but hopefully it will go away. So if you could just pray that things will continue to progess smoothly for us I would be grateful. In other news, I got some awesome sun dresses and cute clothes from Kohl's and Target for like $1 and $2. I love shopping for girls' clothes! : )


Anonymous said...

Bets, we will certainly be praying for you. So glad everything turned out okay!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it turned out well. Try not to lose any sleep over it. I bled fairly heavily for the first 19 weeks of this pregnancy with no explanation. They kept having me come in to be monitored or have ultrasounds, but there was never a reason. It eventually stopped and my OB said that some pregnancies just have unexplained bleeding that never cause any problems.
Girls' clothes are fun, I'm excited you get to do the girl thing, now!