Friday, September 19, 2008

a success....

Well, I've kept 2 babies alive for a year, so I guess that makes this a success story. We had a great little (50+ people) birthday party last Friday night for Adeline and Anderson and they made out like bandits. It was like a second baby shower, so many toys and clothes! They are just too cute and amaze me everyday.

We had our last ultrasound (I think) yesterday. It was only because of the diabetes, they have to monitor the baby's growth. She weighs 4 lbs 11 oz (which is bigger than Anderson was when we brought him home!) and we have 6 weeks left. This has gone by so quickly, I can't believe we're bringing home another baby in just a few weeks! Where did the time go? I don't know if I told you all yet, but her name is Campbell Kennsington, and from the ultrasound it looks like she has great big chipmunk cheeks and lots of hair. I don't think she'll look anything like Adeline.

Anyway, things are going well up here in northern Ohio. We are going to the second to last Cleveland Indians game of the season this weekend. The weather is really cooling off and we are excited for fall. It's been really nice not working the last couple of weeks, I'm enjoying my time at home. I think of you all often and hope you are doing well. Love reading your posts and knowing whats going on in your crazy lives. Miss you, catties.


1 comment:

Anonymous said... the name Campbell--I even thought of it when we were expecting Duncan. But I just want to warn you ahead of time of all the idiots that are going to come up and say, " Campbell's Soup!" They will laugh and think they're really clever like they just told you the most witty pun in the world. And you'll politely smile but on the inside be thinking, "what a douche bag!"

I say all this because I have a "Dunkin' Donut" (I've actually had people spell his name this way!) and people can be morons--just brace yourself.

Ok--I'm off my soap box.

I think Campbell Kenningston is lovely and I will never mention soup in any of your presence.